Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Robitussin fix that right up!

Yeah, so it took a while for me to post again. Bite my ass. I'm not wrtiting this for you.

A lot has happened in the last few months. Let's start with my shoulder.

In the beginning of October, I had a bike accident. I didn't realise it at the time, but I had completely severed the subscapularis tendon. I know this, because 1) it's a cool word, and 2) Herself has done an excellent job of making sure I don't do anything to "rupture your subscapularis tendon again, because it'll hurt even worse the second time around, you hard-headed idiot". Many would consider this "nagging". I am old enough to know that this is really "her saving me from myself".

What does that tendon do, you may ask? Very simple. It allows you to hug something. Go ahead, hug something. Now imagine putting your arm out, and you simply not being able to move it towards your body. No matter how hard you try. No pain involved... it just doesn't go. This is what happened to me.

So on November 1, I entered VCU Medical Center and had it repaired. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, but a vital shoulder tendon is pretty goddamned furious when it gets reattached. Especially after it had been immobile for the first 2 weeks, then allowed to be semi-movable, and then told by a nice physical therapist to move again. THERES some fury for your ass. At least you can duck the woman when she throws plates at you, but the PT sits on you while he manipulates your arm.

No pain, no gain. Literally.

Despite Her complaints and belief to the contrary, I have been following the instructions and happily report that things are going very well. I have recovered a lot of my range of motion already, and we began weight training to recover the lost strength this week.

After all this, you may ask: will you bike again?

Fuck yes. All of this just reinforces what I already knew: I wasn't getting out to bike NEARLY ENOUGH.


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